The college has central library and four small departmental libraries. The computerized Central Library caters to the needs of the entire student community, research scholars and staff (both Teaching and Non-Teaching) of the college. The library functions from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm on all working days, including Saturdays and also during vacations.
The library has a rich collection of books, journals and periodicals/dailies, kept in an organized manner and displayed in the library. The library also stores bound columns of Journals and CDs and also has a separate collection of books for competitive examinations.
The web OPAC facility is made available through NEWGENLIB Library Management Software which will help the users to search books available in the library. The issue and return of books in Library is done using Barcode technology for speedy operations.
A server is installed in the library for modernizing and Automation of the Library operations and services. The library resource materials have been Computerised by using Newgenlib Software. In addition, all the Departments have their own Department Libraries with a collection of books in the respective subjects and provides access to both students and faculties.
Digital Library with online journal can be accessed round the clock.